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21012 Hilliard Boulevard
Rocky River, Ohio 44116

(440) 331-0600

Official website of the City of Rocky River, Ohio, providing community profile, information on local government, safety forces and education.

Rocky River Updates

June 1st Sewer Billing

Rob Montgomery

The City recently mailed the quarterly sanitary sewer bills dated June 1, 2024 to Rocky River property owners.  Please watch for the arrival in your mailbox.

The June sewer bill has two components: 

  1. The annual adjustment, if necessary, based on actual water consumption in the 12 month period March 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024.

    Water consumption can vary greatly due to weather, household factors, conservation efforts, accuracy of metering equipment as well as other factors. You may contact the Division of Water, City of Cleveland with questions at (216) 664-2444. A portal is also available to view consumption and account information at

  2. An estimate of sewer charges for the first quarter (March 1 to May 31, 2024) of the next yearly cycle.

    The quarterly estimates for the next yearly cycle are based on actual water consumption information received by the City of Rocky River from the Division of Water, City of Cleveland for the 12 month period March 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024.

Please note that this sanitary sewer bill is due on June 30.  Since the due date falls on a weekend, the City will accept payments through the next business day (Monday, July 1, 2024) without penalty.  Thank you!

The annual billing cycle is as follows: