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21012 Hilliard Boulevard
Rocky River, Ohio 44116

(440) 331-0600

Official website of the City of Rocky River, Ohio, providing community profile, information on local government, safety forces and education.

Building Department

Building Department


Submit 24/7 online, mail, or drop off during business hours

City of Rocky River
Rocky River Building Department
21012 Hilliard Blvd,
Rocky River, OH 44116

  • Cash or check only at this point in development we are still not able to process credit or online payments.

  • Check Payment Requirements Info Required

o   Contractor registration:

Contractor Name and Address

o   Permit Application

Pemit Number and Jobsite Address

o   Rental Application

Rental Address and Owners Name

Note: All information on the application is REQUIRED.  If your application or payment is incomplete, it may be rejected.

For more information, please call 440-331-0600 and ask for the Building Department.

The Rocky River Building Department is located at City Hall and is headed by the Building Commissioner and includes six full-time employees. The Department is responsible for all engineering, overseeing all boards and commissions, and the issuance of all building permits

Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday

Looking for permits? Visit the Rocky River Building Department Permits Library. 

Building Information

  • HOMEOWNER ALTERATIONS (INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR) AND ADDITIONS require a permit before work begins for such projects as building a garage or accessory structure; adding an extension to your home or garage; enclosing a porch (including screening); remodeling of kitchen, bath or other area; installing air conditioning or hot-water heater; making changes in the plumbing, heating or electrical system, building a swimming pool; widening a driveway at the curb line; erecting a fence; and planting in the tree lawn. The city has adopted a master tree plan, and a specific type of tree is designated for each street. Inquire at City Hall.

  • RESIDENTIAL PARKING REGULATIONS are enforced throughout the City. For each new residential unit, off-street parking must be provided. At least one enclosed parking space is required for each new dwelling unit.

  • RECREATIONAL VEHICLES, to be parked and stored in residential districts, are permitted ONLY AFTER the homeowner has shown drawings to the City depicting how the vehicle is proposed to be screened.

  • PERSONAL PROPERTY SALES, GARAGE SALES, ETC., conducted at private residences, are limited to two (2) per calendar year, no more than three (3) days each, held only between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Contact City Hall before proceeding with your sale.

Contact the Building Department

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